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Monday, 4 May 2015

Election 2015

I try to keep politics off this blog.  Mainly because it's a personal choice who you vote for and it can get heated!  But I need a rant about local politics!

I love in North Swindon.  There are two seats in Swindon,  North and South.  the election is on Thursday and how many canvassers have we had round?  NONE.  As for leaflets we've had 2 or 3 Tory, 1 or 2 Labour, 1 Lib Dem and 1 Independent.  Now I know this is traditionally a Tory area but how can people choose if they don't hear all sides??!  I've never voted Tory in my life but to be honest I know more about the local Tory councillor than any of the others.  In fact until the independent and Lib Dem leaflets came through I didn't know there was any one else to vote for!!!!

I know of other areas that have been canvassed and others that have been bombarded with leaflets.  I don't get this 'well it's a tory area' attitude!  How will it ever be anything else if you don't stand up and be counted??!! 

For the first time I can see why people don't bother voting.  What's the point if you don't know what the other guy stands for??!

So this is a shout out to all Haydon Wick councillors.  GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND TELL US WHY WE SHOULD VOTE!

Rant over!!! 😝

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