Tomorrow between 12 noon and 1pm UK time a man with be murdered in the US. How do I know this? Because he has been scheduled for execution.
Robert Pruett is no angel. I'm not defending what he did, neither is he, but because of a 3 strikes rule and a very iffy trial he was sent to death row to be murdered.
I know some will be offended by the wording here but the legal definition of murder is one person taking another's life and that's what's happening. His life is being taken by another on the grounds that another criminal wanted to get out of jail so he did a deal to testify against him. That was the only evidence. The word of a man who had everything to gain by lying.
I'm a mother and for years I was all for the death penalty. Hell, I'd of happily flicked the switch if anyone hurt my child. However now I'm older I see life differently. Why should someone get out of punishment by death? I feel someone should serve life in prison and live with what they did. A life of suffering should be long not short.
In Roberts case things are different. He's not claimed to be an angel. He knows he's done wrong but he also knows he didn't murder the guard he's being murdered for killing. I've heard all the evidence not just from Robert but what was said in the court etc. Now I'm no judge but to a lay person like me it sounds very weak so how on earth someone convicted him I'll never know!
He's used every appeal he can. There's evidence that will never be heard by a judge because they won't grant him an appeal. Instead they want to get rid of him and have done with it.
One of the last executions in the UK was overturned years after the man was killed because vital evidence was missed the first time round. For him it was too late. His family were granted a Posthumous apology. Like that's going to bring him back and make up for his murder!!!
Now I see it happening again. It makes you wonder how many others are/have been wrongly convicted and murdered? Surely in the year 2015 we're beyond this and these legal murders should be stopped?
Like I said there are some that won't agree with me and will be offended by this. All I ask is that tomorrow during the hour of Roberts death you stop and think of him and all those on Death Row. No one is infallible, everyone makes mistakes. Could you sentence someone to death and be 110% sure they're guilty?
Thank you for reading.
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