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Sunday, 31 May 2015


It's just after midnight and I can't sleep.  Molly is curled up next to me snuggling in.  She usually sleeps between Steve and I making sure she is touching is both so she knows if we move but tonight we've had rain and she picks up on weather changes and panics thinking there's a thunderstorm on the way.   So she's really snuggled up to me.

As I look at her I think how lucky I am to have found her.  I know people say the dog is lucky to be rehomed, I guess she is but I'm lucky to have found her as she's changed my life. 

Yesterday was my friends dog's first Gotchaday. For those that don't know a Gotchaday is the anniversary of when a dog is rehomed.  Often you never know a rehomed dogs birthday so they go from the day. 

Now I know my friend would agree with me when I say her dog has changed her too and she's the one who's lucky but I've seen photos of her dog in the kennels and I can say they're both lucky!

I've always had cats and I still love my cats but they're independent and if they're lacking something they'll find it.  I'm not saying cats can't be abused. There was a horrific case near me recently.  What I'm trying to say is when you rehome a dog the luck goes both ways.

Tez is grown up now and has her own life.  She still needs her old mum sometimes but no where near as much as she did.  So my Molly is there to fill that hole. She needs me and I need her! 

I guess it's just late night rambling!  I just got thinking about how love and luck come together and Molly and I found each other when we needed each other!

So happy birthday and Gotchaday to all animals and their loved ones!

Vicki and Molly xxx

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