I could post here about how they're all wrong and have my usual rant but what's the point??! I'm hoping that being honest about being Bipolar has opened friend's eyes so they've started to see things aren't as black and white as they seem. For example, many friends have said they never imagined I was bipolar because I seem so calm and together! Hey, you only see the calm and together side of me! lol! I'm serious! I don't leave the house when I'm hyper or low. I can lock myself away for months and no one realise. That's not because I've got bad friends, the opposite is true! I've been very lucky to gather an amazing group of friends who I know are there for me if I ask (and often if I don't!) it just means I've learned to put on the brave face and stiff upper lip and if you see I'm struggling I'm in serious trouble.
That's what life with poor mental health is like. You learn to live with it and carry on. For me, the hardest part of being Bipolar is the paranoia. I convince myself that people think I'm faking it or I'm lying about my problems so showing I'm struggling makes things worse. Hence how I've become good at hiding it!
So, when I read in the news that someone has committed a crime because of poor mental health I want to scream!
I know two people with Schizophrenia, one who has been very public and open about it and the other only told me because they knew I knew someone else with it and as I promised I won't reveal who they are to anyone. In both cases and in 99.99% of other genuine cases I've read about they are no risk to anyone but themselves. They've both talked to me about how the voices tell them to hurt themselves but never others. The closest they've ever come to 'hurting' others is when the voices convince them that someone is trying to hurt them or is talking about them in a nasty way and they've cut friendships with that person because they can't cope with the paranoid feelings that come with the friendship.
Yesterday it was announced that Peter Sutcliff was no longer 'ill'. He had claimed that God had spoken to him and told him to kill prostitutes. One problem with that, not all his victims were prostitutes! Now it seems he's been magically cured of Schizophrenia!! (Please, someone give me the number of his doctor! Wonder if he can cure Bipolar too! lol!) BOLLOCKS! He was just smart enough to fool people into believing he was ill so he could escape prison and have an easier sentence.
Then last night another case was in the local news and the 'alleged' murderer claims to have heard voices that told her to kill. There's the simple fact that this isn't what happens to people with Schizophrenia, plus I know someone who was good friends with the 'alleged' and it was the first she'd heard of it!
It's liars like that who make the rest of us with Mental Health issues look bad. So to the point of this blog...
... Please take the time to look over the Mind site and see what are the real symptoms of mental health illnesses and next time you see a news story or hear someone claiming to be ill, go back to the site and see how the symptoms check out. I'm not saying everyone who says they're ill is a liar! I'm just saying if you take the time to find out what triggers them and what to look out for then maybe one day you'll be able to help someone before they ask for it.
I truly believe we all need to be more aware of poor mental health. Too often it's swept under the carpet and hidden away because someone is scared of how friends and family would react. I hid it from everyone, Steve and Teri included, for years because I was scared of being rejected or called a liar. I still am now! Every time I type something about being Bipolar I sit and look at it for ages before I post it because I'm scared of how it will be taken. That will only change if other people's preconceptions change. So please take the step towards change and check out the site.
Thank you.
PS and as for the 'alleged', justice will be done and Karma will win out. It has to!
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