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Saturday, 14 November 2015

Very Sad Day

Words can't begin to describe the feelings around the world today.  What has happened in Paris is horrific.  My heart goes out to all those involved.

Sadly there has also been posts saying that we should ban all religions!  If only it was that simple!  This was not done in the name of any religion, it was done by cowards who claim to have done it in the name of religion.  Nowhere in the Bible or the Koran does it say it's ok to kill innocents.  In fact, the Koran doesn't condone any violence, the Bible has 'eye for an eye' but Islam preaches forgiveness, not revenge.

I'm not religious!  I'm a Pagan.  I believe there are many Gods or High Spirits and not one over all God.  Something the Christians of yesteryear had an issue with and tried to convert all Pagans to Christianity.  Something they didn't have the right to do.  They didn't have the 'right religion' any more than the terrorist today do!  

Being 'on the outside' has given me a chance to look over other religions more objectively.  I've always been interested in what makes a religion or what different ones believe.  I'm not an expert by any means, but I do know the basics and when someone post an article saying 'BAN ALL RELIGIONS' I know enough to know it's crap!

Yeah you could ban every religion in the world, (well, I say 'could' but it would be one hell of a job to do!!) but people would STILL find something to fight over or argue about!  Sadly it seems to be part of human life to disagree and misinterpret things.

Surely it would make more sense to try and understand each other's beliefs and work together to stop this sort of thing happening again?  Who cares what your neighbour believes, as long as he's not causing you any harm let him get on with it!

I'd like to think that the tragic events of last night will bring us all together against these murderers, but I think it will only cause more misconception and misunderstanding which in turn will cause more violence and deaths.

All I can hope is that for today at least we can all come together and remember those that have been killed, injured or have lost loved ones and leave the fighting for another day.


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