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Saturday, 1 August 2015


In the past I've had some very unreliable friends.  I've been messed about and when I needed help they've run off saying they've got their own issues even though I was there for them!  The last 6 months or so have shown me I now have a brilliant set of friends who are there for me even when I don't realise it.

That might sound like and odd thing to say, I mean how can some one be there for you and you not know it?  Put it this way, each day I was posting on Facebook and Instagram how far I was walking and friends where liking it but I wasn't sure if they were just being polite.  Then I went to Cardiff with some of them and they told me they'd bee tracking me as I walked and how proud of me they were!  So my fears I was boring them were wrong.  They liked seeing how I was doing and wanted to support me through it.

It can also work the other way though.  I have a friend who I know is going through a tough time right now but she never mentions it.  You have to read between the lines of her post to see what's going on.  I know from my own life there are times when things get very hard and you don't want to bother others with it.  Well speaking as a friend I want to be bothered!!!  If some one takes the time and care to support me I want to be able to help them when they need it.  A friend in need is NEVER a bother to a true friend.  Support goes two ways.

I see my daughter and her close friend and I see that they have that type of friendship.  Sadly she had some who claimed to be friends then when things got tough  off they went (There was a lot more to it than that, like one who was a two faced liar and I stupidly fell for her lies too) I'm glad she has true friends to fall back on and they know she's there for them and I am too.

So next time you suspect your friend is having problems or they go quiet for a while make sure they're ok and offer them support because one day you could be the friend in need.

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