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Sunday, 16 August 2015

Why you should rescue a dog and not risk buying from a puppy farm. #AdoptNotShop

Last year my friend rescued a Staffie Husky cross called Teddy.  It was my friends first dog but being an animal lover she was all for rescuing rather than buying a puppy.  

Having been a dog owner my whole adult life and living with dogs most of my childhood I've had many dogs.  All but one were rescued I know what good it can do to rescue.  In fact the one dog I got as a puppy turned out to be a nightmare.  I knew about puppy farms and steered clear but I walked right into one not even knowing it!   I went to a house in the middle of a big town to see this puppy.  I was told it was a sad case, the mother had been run over when the pups were 4 weeks old so they'd raised them from there.  Everything was ok until 6 months.  The dog bit someone.  Having been bit myself I have a no tolerance rule so I took the dog to the vet.  The vet said that as he was young he might be trainable, she turned her back on him to get some leaflets and he bit her ankle.  That again would of been ok but he sat there wagging his tail showing no remorse whatsoever.  That sealed his fate.  The vet said he had clearly been taken away from mum well before the claimed 4 weeks and he hadn't learned how to behave.  Basically he had no remorse and was untrainable.  

I volunteer for a sanctuary as a home checker and for a group of 'Pound Saver' sanctuaries helping them to advertise dogs.  For those that don't know a 'Pound Saver' sanctuary is one that takes dogs from pounds because if a dog is in a pound for a certain length of time without being rehomed it's put down (different ones have different time limits). So I see so many sad stories every week but none are as sad as Teddy.

This picture was taken of Teddy in the kennels.  As you can see he's scared witless.  He's showing signs of aggression because he's so scared.  This sadly meant he was overlooked by every one.  Why go for the adult, scared, aggressive dog when there's cute puppies to love?

Luckily for Teddy Mandy and Hywell saw the dog behind the growls and were prepared to give him the chance many other people wouldn't. 

As you can see from this picture taken hours after he was taken home Teddy was so so grateful to be out of the kennel!  The second he was out of there all the fear and aggression went and the kind, gentle, daft dog came out (Sorry Ted but you are just a bit daft!!)

Ted has now been with them of over a year and every picture I see of him he's got a big grin on his face!  He loves being with his new family and hasn't shown any aggression at all.  Not even when they had electricians in the house and he was scared of them.  He just stayed with his mum.  So all those that walked past him thinking he wasn't for them.  You've missed out on an amazingly loyal dog.

Below is a video of photos of Ted taken over the year.  Mandy is hoping to share this to promote animal adoption.  Not just for dogs but for all animals.  For example, did you know Pets At Home have an adoption centre as well as pets for sale?  Next time you're looking for a pet of any kind ask about.  You'd be surprised how many adoption places there are.

So please share this video.  For me it's the ultimate example of why you should #AdoptNotShop 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015


It's been a busy week here.  Lots of fun, but a little mad! lol!

Saturday I went to Swindon and Wiltshire Gay Pride.  It's the first time I've been.  I had a great time, the music and company were brilliant but the main thing that made it so good was I didn't feel excluded.  

Sadly a lot of places still aren't disabled friendly.  I find I can't get to certain places or I'm in other people's way or they just glare at me for asking them to let me through.  There was none of that.  I could access all of it, if I had to ask people to move they did without any problem.  In fact a lot of them went out of their way to help me.  It was lovely to feel welcome and included.  I guess that's what the day was about!

I've got gay friends and a pan sexual friend and I know how hard life has been for them.  I've never understood why gay people have to say they're gay!  I mean I don't have to say I'm straight!  Saturday gave me a little hope that in the future people won't go through that.  As for those who still have an issue with it I have a simple question. What the hell does it have to do with you??!!  If someone is happy and safe and not doing you any harm it's none of your business!  For years I denied I was a Pagan because I was scared of ridicule.  All it did was leave me miserable.  No one has the right to make me feel like that.  What I feel and think it my business.  Jeez it's hard enough being disabled without adding other reasons! lol!

So here's to an Inclusive Pride where every one is accepted for who they are and not what others tell them to be.

Monday, 3 August 2015


That's it! I've paid and registered for Race For Life 5k in Swindon 22nd May 2016!

Above is a button to take you to my just giving page.  Please please please sponsor me.

I'm doing it in memory of all friends and family we've lost to cancer but especially for Jimmy Kelly who sadly lost his fight with Pancreatic Cancer in March 2014.  He was so brave.  He must of been in so much pain but he never complained.  If he could go through all that and not moan, I can walk 5k.

So now it's back to practising!

Saturday, 1 August 2015


In the past I've had some very unreliable friends.  I've been messed about and when I needed help they've run off saying they've got their own issues even though I was there for them!  The last 6 months or so have shown me I now have a brilliant set of friends who are there for me even when I don't realise it.

That might sound like and odd thing to say, I mean how can some one be there for you and you not know it?  Put it this way, each day I was posting on Facebook and Instagram how far I was walking and friends where liking it but I wasn't sure if they were just being polite.  Then I went to Cardiff with some of them and they told me they'd bee tracking me as I walked and how proud of me they were!  So my fears I was boring them were wrong.  They liked seeing how I was doing and wanted to support me through it.

It can also work the other way though.  I have a friend who I know is going through a tough time right now but she never mentions it.  You have to read between the lines of her post to see what's going on.  I know from my own life there are times when things get very hard and you don't want to bother others with it.  Well speaking as a friend I want to be bothered!!!  If some one takes the time and care to support me I want to be able to help them when they need it.  A friend in need is NEVER a bother to a true friend.  Support goes two ways.

I see my daughter and her close friend and I see that they have that type of friendship.  Sadly she had some who claimed to be friends then when things got tough  off they went (There was a lot more to it than that, like one who was a two faced liar and I stupidly fell for her lies too) I'm glad she has true friends to fall back on and they know she's there for them and I am too.

So next time you suspect your friend is having problems or they go quiet for a while make sure they're ok and offer them support because one day you could be the friend in need.