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Sunday, 26 July 2015

Well, if I'm gonna do it....

... I'd may as well do it properly!!

I've decided to give myself motivation with my walking.  I'm going to do Race For Life next May!

I've lost too many friends and family to cancer so this is my two finger salute to it.   I was told I'd never get out of my wheelchair,  I have,  I was told I'd never walk far,  I still need my frame but I can do it!  So I won't be able to run it and do it quickly and I might need to stop and sit,  but in the end I'll do it because of all the loved ones past pushing me on! 

Once I've registered and got a Just Giving page I'll post it for everyone to sponsor me and to share it so others can.

Wish me luck 🍀! 

Saturday, 25 July 2015

What do I do now?? (Warning, this is a post about politics!)

My whole voting life I've been a Labour supporter but due to events over the last year or so I'm now in a dilemma.  I don't want to vote Labour but there's no party that I trust or that represents my views.

This has been going on for a while.  To be honest I wasn't keen on Milliband as a leader, I believed Ed Balls would of been a better leader but I stood by him and trusted the party made the right choice.  Then as time went on the whole party seem to loose their backbone!  Then in the last few weeks the local branch have shown they're prepared to stab any one in the back to get what they want. (Won't go into details as I don't want to get friends in trouble).

So who do I vote for??  After growing up in the 80's with Thatcher and 90's with Major I'll never vote Tory.  Clegg killed the Lib Dems who were the one party I'd of thought about voting for!  I'm not even going to start about what's wrong with Ukip and Farage.  Which leaves the Green Party who are too green even for me who recycled everything long before it was compulsory in Swindon!  

Basically I don't feel there's any one who represents me any more.  I'm a middle aged, disabled, white mother and wife.  

Next year we've got local elections here, unless there's a good independent candidate I won't have any one to vote for.  I don't believe in not voting but it could be the first time I don't.  What's happened to politics??

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Fed up!

You'd think being sick so often I'd be used to it by now.  WELL I'M NOT! :-(

I've got another ear infection.  In fact the Doctor thinks it's the same infection as last time but because my immune system is knackered my body didn't get rid of all the infection last time.  So I'm on a 10 day course of antibiotics to make sure this goes totally.

It's also meant that Steve and Teri have gone to Foodbank this morning and I'm home alone feeling miserable.  I can barely walk around the house so I can't even go for a long walk!  If I feel better later I'm going to try and take Molly to the park.  I can't take the long route around Seven Fields but if I can at least take her to the park then I've taken her out and kept walking.

So all in all I'm sat here feeling very sorry for myself and my ears are killing me!  Don't expect me to be much company the next 48 hours.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Lunching Ladies Away Day!!

Every Tuesday I go to my friends for lunch.  It started with the 3 of us and it's now grown into a group that we've called Lunching Ladies!!  

As it was my 40th last April they decided they wanted to do something special to mark it, they knew that I was desperate to go to Cardiff Bay so they organised a day trip for us all (Sadly one of the group couldn't make it as her husband was in hospital).

So off we went on the train, now what you have to understand is chaos appears to follow us and it seemed that on this trip it was sitting next to us!!  Everything was fine until we got close to Cardiff station.  Suddenly we're sat outside the train station and an announcement comes over the PA saying 'We're sorry for the delay but due to an animal incident there is a bit of congestion at the station, as soon as it's clear we'll be moving and arriving at Cardiff Central'.  It turned out there was a cow on the rails!!!!  Only us lot could get stopped by a cow on the tracks!

Once we arrived at the station after a bit of 'debating' we decided it was easier to get a taxi to the bay.  We found a lovely taxi driver, well a slightly mad taxi driver!  Kirsty asked him for his number so we could call him back, now I did say he was mad. His reply was I'm sorry I can't give you my number, my wife doesn't like all the calls and text!!!!!  OMG! We all fell about laughing! He was joking but only Kirsty could ask for a cab number and get accused of propositioning someone!  
Norwegian Church

Once we got to the bay I knew instantly I'd made the right choice.  Every one was so happy and friendly and I could geek out without any one minding!!  For those that don't know Dr Who and Torchwood were filmed in the area.  Torchwood's base was under the water tower with and entrance by the water.  One thing I vividly remembered was the Norwegian church, it was often shown in the background in Torchwood and it was the first thing I saw when I got there. We sat down and had a drink then decide what to do.  

Lunching Ladies!
First thing was to eat!  We were all hungry and really looking forward to going to Signor Valetino.  Laura had been there before and recommended it.  I'm so glad she did because I'd never had Italian food like it.  Honestly it's heaven!  I ate things I'd never normally eat and the food was of such high quality it was unbelievable.  The staff were so nice too and there was no rushing us out, it was so relaxing.  We ate starters and mains and decided we were stuffed, then the waitress brought over the dessert menu!  It all sounded so good there was no way we could not try them!  Consequently we all left feeling very very stuffed but it was worth it! 

Sadly one of us had to get home so she went to get the train back after lunch.  The rest of us stuck around and went for a wander round so I could take my photos!  

I was looking for Ianto Jones Memorial, I found it on Google maps and I could see where it should be (by the waterfront)  but I couldn't figure out how to get down there!  So we walked along to the water tower so I could get photos.  I was a little disappointed that they where doing work by it so I couldn't stand on the Torchwood back entrance stone but I could get close enough to take pics so I was happy!  The Millennium Centre was even bigger than I though it was.  It's huge!  It's a seriously impressive.  I'm so glad I got to see it in person.

We then walked back to the pub we started at and right underneath the seat we had our first drinks at there it was!! Ianto Jones memorial!!  I couldn't believe it! We'd started right where I'd wanted to be! I leant over the bars and got some photos rather than take the long walk round to it!

After I'd got my photos we found another pub and had a few more drinks before we headed home.

All in all it was an amazing day.  I loved every minute of it.  The food, location, the drinks but most of all the company was brilliant.

I just want to say a huge thank you to the Lunching Ladies!  You made my life let alone year etc!!!

Saturday, 11 July 2015


I was out last night (at Chepstow Racecourse watching Madness,  brilliant night!)  so I caught up with Channel 4's The Last Leg this morning.  On it Adam started the hashtag #LegUp for anyone who needed help to ask others.   Not only did it become the top trending hashtag last night its still the third top hashtag this morning and twitter is full of people offering help to others!

It's a true sign of humanity.  We're all struggling these days but that doesn't stop us from offering free help to others.

I've added my #LegUp to the list and I hope others will continue to do so but more importantly I hope this keeps going for a very long time. 

I know some of you will be cynical about it but I hope the rest of us can show you how wrong you are.  To help someone take their wheelie bin out our cut their lawn or even just sit with someone and give them some company would mean so much to that person and take so little for us. 

So I challenge you all to go on Twitter and add your #LegUp offer.  Don't sit there and say you approve or think it's a good idea.  Prove your worth and do it!